Analyzing the Titanic Dataset

by Kevin Vo

In [2]:
# Set up
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import scipy.stats as stat


  • The given data is:
In [3]:
# Import titanic data into a data frame
filename = 'titanic_data.csv'
titanic_df = pd.read_csv(filename)
PassengerId Survived Pclass Name Sex Age SibSp Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked
0 1 0 3 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22.0 1 0 A/5 21171 7.2500 NaN S
1 2 1 1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... female 38.0 1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C
2 3 1 3 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina female 26.0 0 0 STON/O2. 3101282 7.9250 NaN S
3 4 1 1 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female 35.0 1 0 113803 53.1000 C123 S
4 5 0 3 Allen, Mr. William Henry male 35.0 0 0 373450 8.0500 NaN S

However, the data contains too many variables. Since our interest is factors made people more likely to survive, therefore I will remove these variables from the dataset: Name, SibSp, Parch, Ticket, also Cabin (I have looked at all the values of Cabin. There is not enough information that need to consider this as a factor) and Embarked.

In [4]:
titanic_df.drop(['SibSp','Parch','Ticket','Cabin','Embarked','Name'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
PassengerId Survived Pclass Sex Age Fare
0 1 0 3 male 22.0 7.2500
1 2 1 1 female 38.0 71.2833
2 3 1 3 female 26.0 7.9250
3 4 1 1 female 35.0 53.1000
4 5 0 3 male 35.0 8.0500

Currently, the dimension of Titanic data frame is:

In [5]:
(891, 6)
  • Missing Data: Let's check how many NAs are there in each variable(column)
In [6]:
if True:
    def number_of_NA(column):
        return column.size - column.dropna(axis = 0).size
    print titanic_df.apply(number_of_NA)
PassengerId      0
Survived         0
Pclass           0
Sex              0
Age            177
Fare             0
dtype: int64

So only Age contains 177 NA. We should only drop these NAs when we analyze Survived condtion by Age separately. Therefore, we will handle this issue later.



Histogram of Age grouped by Surival Condition

In [7]:
%pylab inline
bins = numpy.linspace(0,100,20)
plt.hist(titanic_df.groupby('Survived').get_group(0)['Age'].dropna(axis = 0),
         bins,histtype='stepfilled',alpha=0.5, color = 'r', label = 'Death')
plt.hist(titanic_df.groupby('Survived').get_group(1)['Age'].dropna(axis = 0),
         bins,histtype='stepfilled',alpha=0.5, color = 'g', label = 'Survived')
plt.title("Histogram of Age grouped by Survival condition")
plt.legend(loc = 'upper right')
print "Figure 1"
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
Figure 1

The histogram tells us:

+ Children are more likely to survive.
+ Adults has less chance to survive.

Question: Are Death and Survived indifferent at any age?


It is clear that the first class passengers will spend more in fare

In [8]:
g = sns.stripplot(x = "Pclass", y = "Fare", data = titanic_df)
print "Figure 2"
Figure 2

So we can choose one of them as a factor that made people more likely to survive. Let's take a look at Survived and Pclass:

In [9]:
g = sns.factorplot('Survived', col = 'Pclass', col_wrap = 4, data = titanic_df, kind = 'count', size = 2.5, aspect = .8)
print "Figure 3"
Figure 3

The above chart tells us that people who are poor or lower class were more likely to die.

In [10]:
g = sns.factorplot('Survived', col = 'Sex', col_wrap = 4, data = titanic_df, kind = 'count', size = 2.5, aspect = .8)
print "Figure 4"
Figure 4

The above chart tells us that male is more likely to die.



a. What is our independent vairable? What is our dependent vairable?

  • The independent variable is the survival condition: non-survived(death) or survived

  • The dependent variable is the Age of each person in each survival condition group.

b. What is an appropriate set of hypotheses for this task? What kind of statistical test do you expect to perform? Justify your choices.

b1) Hypothesis:

Null Hypothesis: The two populations represented by the two conditions( survived group and non-survived group) have the same distribution of age.

$H_o$: Age values of two datasets(survived vs non-survived) come from the same population.

$H_a$: Non-survived group tend to have larger Age values than survived group.

b2) A statistical test is proposed which will distinguish the proposed hypotheses. Any assumptions made by the statistical test are addressed.

The Mann-Whitney U test is used as a statistical test for this proposed hypothesis. It is chosen based on these following assumptions:

  • Assumption #1: Dependent variable should be measured at the ordinal or continuous level. In this case, age is a continuous variable.

  • Assumption #2: Independent variable should consist of two categorical, independent groups. Our independent variable is surival condtion which is separated by two categorical independent groups: from survived to non-survived.

  • Assumption #3: Independence of observations. It is satisfied because there is not any one who could be in both non-survived group and survived group.

  • Assumption #4: A Mann-Whitney U test can be used when your two variables are not normally distributed. Based on Figure 1, we can see that the histogram of both groups are not symmetric. They are skewed to the right.

c. Testing:

In [11]:
with_survived_mean = mean(titanic_df.groupby('Survived').get_group(1)['Age'].dropna(axis = 0))
with_non_survived_mean = mean(titanic_df.groupby('Survived').get_group(0)['Age'].dropna(axis = 0))

U, p = stat.mannwhitneyu(titanic_df.groupby('Survived').get_group(0)['Age'].dropna(axis = 0),
                         titanic_df.groupby('Survived').get_group(1)['Age'].dropna(axis = 0))
print "Mean age of Survived group is: ", with_survived_mean
print "Mean age of Non-Survived group is:", with_non_survived_mean
print "U-statistic: ", U
print "p-value :", p
Mean age of Survived group is:  28.3436896552
Mean age of Non-Survived group is: 30.6261792453
U-statistic:  65278.0
p-value : 0.160492524777

U-statistic is very high and the p-value = 0.16 > 0.05

=> We fail to reject the null hypothesis at 5% significant level.

Conclusion: Based on the provided data, We are 95% confident to conclude that age has no effect on survival condition.


a. What is our independent vairable? What is our dependent vairable?

  • The independent variable is the survival condition: non-survived(death) or survived

  • The dependent variable is the Pclass which is social economic status: 1 = Upper, 2 = Middle, 3 = Lower.

b. What is an appropriate set of hypotheses for this task? What kind of statistical test do you expect to perform? Justify your choices.

b1) Hypothesis:

Null Hypothesis: In the population, the two categorical variables are independent.

$H_o$: In the population, survival variable and Pclass variable are independent.

$H_a$: In the population, survival variable and Pclass variable are associated (dependent).

b2) A statistical test is proposed which will distinguish the proposed hypotheses. Any assumptions made by the statistical test are addressed.

The Chi-square Test of Independece is used as a statistical test for this proposed hypothesis. It is chosen because:

  • Independent and dependent variable are catergorical.
  • It is a 2x2 contigency table (each case contribute to 1 cell only)
  • The sample data is large enough.
  • Each cell in the frequency table is larger than 5 ( Frequency table is shown below)
In [12]:
print "Frequency Table is:"
titanic_df[['Survived','Pclass']].pivot_table(columns= ['Pclass'],index=['Survived'],aggfunc= len, margins = True)
Frequency Table is:
Pclass 1 2 3 All
0 80.0 97.0 372.0 549.0
1 136.0 87.0 119.0 342.0
All 216.0 184.0 491.0 891.0

Notice: From the frequency table, we can see a magnitude difference of people who are from lower social class did not survive compared to others.

c. Testing:

In [13]:
chi2, p, ddof, expected = stat.chi2_contingency(
    titanic_df[['Survived','Pclass']].pivot_table(columns= ['Pclass'],index=['Survived'],aggfunc= len))
expected = pd.DataFrame(expected, index = [0,1], columns = [1,2,3])
expected.index.names = ['Survived']
expected.columns.names = ['Pclass']
msg = """
Test Statistic X^2: {}\np-value: {}\nDegrees of Freedom: {}
\n\t\tExpected table"""
print( msg.format( chi2, p, ddof) )
Test Statistic X^2: 102.888988757
p-value: 4.5492517113e-23
Degrees of Freedom: 2

		Expected table
Pclass 1 2 3
0 133.090909 113.373737 302.535354
1 82.909091 70.626263 188.464646

As expected, Chi-squared Statistics is very high, and p-value is extremely close to zero.

=> We reject the null hypothesis at 5% significant level.

Conclusion: Based on the provided data, we are 95% confident to conclude that there is associated effect of Social Economics Class on Survival Condition.


a. What is our independent vairable? What is our dependent vairable?

  • The independent variable is the survival condition: non-survived(death) or survived

  • The dependent variable is the Sex which contains values as: female and male.

b. What is an appropriate set of hypotheses for this task? What kind of statistical test do you expect to perform? Justify your choices.

b1) Hypothesis:

Null Hypothesis: In the population, the two categorical variables are independent.

$H_o$: In the population, survival variable and Sex variable are independent.

$H_a$: In the population, survival variable and Sex variable are associated (dependent).

b2) A statistical test is proposed which will distinguish the proposed hypotheses. Any assumptions made by the statistical test are addressed.

The Chi-square Test of Independece is used as a statistical test for this proposed hypothesis. It is chosen because:

  • Independent and dependent variable are catergorical.
  • It is a 2x2 contigency table (each case contribute to 1 cell only)
  • The sample data is large enough.
  • Each cell in the frequency table is larger than 5 ( Frequency table is shown below)
In [14]:
print "Frequency Table is:"
titanic_df[['Survived','Sex']].pivot_table(columns= ['Sex'],index=['Survived'],aggfunc= len, margins = True)
Frequency Table is:
Sex female male All
0 81.0 468.0 549.0
1 233.0 109.0 342.0
All 314.0 577.0 891.0

Notice: From the frequency table, we can see a magnitude difference of non-survived male compared to others.


In [16]:
chi2, p, ddof, expected = stat.chi2_contingency(
    titanic_df[['Survived','Sex']].pivot_table(columns= ['Sex'],index=['Survived'],aggfunc= len))
expected = pd.DataFrame(expected, index = [0,1], columns = ['female','male'])
expected.index.names = ['Survived']
expected.columns.names = ['Sex']
msg = """
Test Statistic X^2: {}\np-value: {}\nDegrees of Freedom: {}
\n\t\tExpected table"""
print( msg.format( chi2, p, ddof) )
Test Statistic X^2: 260.717020167
p-value: 1.19735706278e-58
Degrees of Freedom: 1

		Expected table
Sex female male
0 193.474747 355.525253
1 120.525253 221.474747

As expected, Chi-squared Statistics is very high, and p-value is extremely close to zero.

=> We reject the null hypothesis at 5% significant level.

Conclusion: Based on the provided data, we are 95% confident to conclude that there is associated effect of Gender on Survival Condition.


Based on the given data, we have very little evidence to conclude that age has any effect on survival condition. In the other way, gender and social economics class has an effect on survival condition. From the above frequency tables, we can see that people who are at lower class are more likely to die or female are more likely to survive