I. Data Viewer:¶
II. Generate Differences(or Success Score) From Raw Data:¶
Differences Data are the difference between pre and post data.
Diffence = Pre - Post
Step 2:¶
b) The arrows show you the location that you need to fill in as the following photo:
c) Click OK.
Step 3:¶
You can see in the data view. We now have another column name differences(or Success Score)
I think histogram is the best chart for us to look at the distribution of the success score to address which intervention might be the best to smoking treatment.¶
III. Distribution of the mean of Success Score (Or Distribution of Differences):¶
III.A Distribution of Success Score for any Intervention method:¶
III.B Distribution of Success Score for Hypnosis Intervention Method:¶
III.B1) Select Hypnosis Cases;¶
- Step 1: Create Select Case for Hypnosis: (Data > Select Cases)
III.B2) Draw Histogram of Success Score for Hypnosis Intervention Method¶
- Conclusion: Based on the above histogram, we realize that most of the data is in between -2 and 2 and very close to zero. So we can say that the there is not enough evidence to conclude the hypnosis intervention can help people smoke less.
III.C Distribution of Success Score for Nicotine Patch Intervention Method:¶
III.B1) Select Nicotine Cases;¶
- Step 1: Right Click > Clear: To delete the old filter
- Step 2: Data > Select Cases
- Result: Now you can see the filter column, which select hypnosis case:
III.C2) Draw Histogram of Success Score for Nicotine Patch Intervention Method¶
- Conclusion: Based on the above histogram, we can see the mean of the sucess score is 2.25 and the standard deviation is 1.38. And most of the data is from 1 to 3. Therefore, we have enough evidence to conclude that after the nicotine patch intervention people tend to smoke less( about 1 to 3 cigarettes)